Love is NOT all you need!

Note: This post was originally published on March 23, 2021, and has been added to!

“Love is NOT all you need!
You need mutual respect.
You need support.
You need boundaries.
You need people to be there when it matters.
You need space to grow and acceptance when you do.
You need people to show their love in a way you can understand.”
– Nedra Tawwab

Smile! Now doesn’t this make so much sense?!

Unfortunately we all believed a musical myth (sorry Beatles!) when we heard “All you need is love!” We stopped looking for real compatibility, respect, maturity, when we thought that OUR love could fill in all the gaps and fix the flaws!

Of course, love is very, very important! It’s not the ONLY thing we need however! To be emotionally, spiritually and physically healthy we need all the things listed in the quote above! When we don’t have those things, and I’m sure most of us have experienced negative relationships where those things were lacking, we were deeply affected emotionally, spiritually and physically!

I have learned we need those things not only in our relationships with other people, but we also need them in our relationship with our-self! Be bold, be courageous, go after what you need by starting with your relationship with yourself! Everything flows outward from there!

Valentine’s Day is seen as a day of love where we celebrate outward love between 2 people, and unfortunately so many people get depressed because they aren’t in a couple relationship. Some will hastily connect with someone just so they won’t feel all alone, yet when we have developed a healthy relationship with ourselves, we don’t feel the intense pangs of LACK!

So what is love? A fellow blogger has written a lovely post where she shows what love is and isn’t: K E Garland: Monday Notes: Love is…

I’ve also compiled a bunch of other great posts for you to explore this topic more and to gain support and insight to develop a healthy sense of self and to learn how to like yourself!

Love is not what you say. Love is what you do. It is easy to say we love someone, and then live in a selfish or self-centered way. Our actions matter. Likewise, if we choose to believe someone else’s love bombing, we may feel a deep sense of betrayal or confusion when their actions don’t end up matching their words!

We’ve all heard to the advice to love ourselves, then we will be able to love in a healthier way, but how is that even possible when we may not LIKE ourselves very much? You’ve been criticizing yourself for years and it hasn’t worked. Try approving of yourself and see what happens. If you have been trying to change how you speak to yourself, but still struggle: Checking in… how have you been doing with speaking kindly to yourself this week? Here’s more help: Changing our thoughts and habits Part 1: how does it physically work in the brain? and Changing our thoughts and habits Part 2: how does it physically work in our body?

Got more for you:

You may be looking to make changes in your life in order to feel less self-recrimination or even hatred, but have no clue how to move towards the ways of thinking that will bring you greater satisfaction and happiness.

Got some uplifting and supportive thoughts to help lift you up.

Love is an amazing thing, but unless we ourselves become healthier and healed, we will continually seek out the very things that will try to break or destroy us, simply because we filter everything out that doesn’t match with how we feel and perceive things right now. It isn’t something that happens on a conscious level, yet when we look back at our past relationships, we may question why we keep choosing the SAME type of unhealthy relationships.

Yes, we may be able to snag the girl or the guy of our dreams, but unless we heal and grow, we will end up sabotaging the relationship!

Don’t worry, all is not lost! You definitely can learn and grow to have healthy relationships. Our own healing is often overlooked but it is the secret sauce to having the relationships we crave. The more we heal, the less we will find it acceptable to not be treated in shoddy ways!

Does it sound strange that the key to having a wonderful relationship is to do our inner work? Our society has gotten us brainwashed into thinking the OTHER person holds the keys to our happiness, and when we find ourselves deeply unhappy in a relationship we blame them!

When we do our own inner work, we will no longer be drawn to the people who have the same types of unhappiness or unhealed hearts! It isn’t that we ABANDON the hurt people, we just no longer feel that intense connection nor the desire to be in an intimate relationship to help them!

Love is complex, and choosing to develop a healthy relationship inside of our own heads and hearts is the key to attracting someone who would know how to love us in a healthy way!

 ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

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28 thoughts on “Love is NOT all you need!

  1. Lovely post, Tamara.
    I love, “Love is complex, and choosing to develop a healthy relationship inside of our own heads and hearts is the key to attracting someone who would know how to love us in a healthy way!”
    Best wishes.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. So agree! Love is just the tip of the iceberg. Actions matter so much and so does respect. If you’re with someone who does not respect you then it’s really not worth being with that person. They will never treat you as well as you deserve to be treated.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That’s unfortunately only too true. In order to have healthy relationships we need to practice these skills, (even if we don’t currently have them)!

      Liked by 1 person

    1. It was a very difficult concept for me to learn too. I would hear how important it was to be able to lo e myself, but I had no idea when I didn’t even like myself. 😕 It was a slow process to start with learning just to like myself! I understand!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Such an informative post thank you Tamara. This particularly resonates with me ..
    “Any relationship you have that could get ruined by having a conversation about your feelings, standards, and/or expectations wasn’t really stable enough to begin with.”
    Yes, inner work is important but we need to be able to communicate with one another 👌 x

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Pavithra, thank you so much for including me in the competition! It’s delightful to see the entries! 🥰🌼🌼🌸🌸


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