I’m dedicated to helping you move from trauma and anxiety into your own state of peace and wholeness*!
I believe in you and am holding a space for you to develop this belief in yourself!

Having come through mental and physical abuse in my youth, my self-worth was low when I joined a fundamentalist church where I experienced further deterioration. When I left I felt I didn’t deserve to breathe the air or to walk the earth.

This is a place where you can find gentle help to rebuild your own self-worth and your faith, without judgment! This is a welcoming place for all!

Take a deeper look at life for inspiration and for some solutions I’ve developed from my own journey! My books and Guided Journals have been created to help you move towards healing and happiness!

I’m excited to share the first 15 minutes of the audiobook for “Developing Happiness When You Can’t Find It“!

First 15 minutes of the upcoming audiobook for “Developing Happiness When You Can’t Find It”!
Narrated by Nicole Fagerhaug

Please follow me so I can drop lovely tidbits into your Inbox daily!

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* Please note that I do not belong to any particular church or denomination, and am not pushing anyone to do so. I believe that living a life of faith dedicated to the Higher Power of our own choosing serves our families, our communities and ultimately our world! I write as a person of faith, not as a religious person.

My books: Developing Happiness When You Can’t Find It and How to Heal Your Life on a Deep Heart Level. are available in Paperback, Kindle, and Audiobook! Large print coming soon!

Guided Journals help you work on a particular issue by answering questions to help see patterns and to find solutions: Removing Inner Blocks,    Anger Journal,    Guided Anxiety Journal    Joy & Mindfulness Journal     My Boundaries Journal   My Inner Thoughts Journal   My Travel Journal   

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Developing Happiness When You Can’t Find It”

is also available in an audiobook!

Hover your camera over the QR code to have a link to the Audio book on Amazon open a tab in your phone browser!

We all want to be happy, yet when we can’t find it from “looking inside” or from keeping a gratitude journal, many people quietly suffer and struggle with the fear that they’ll be the only one who didn’t find happiness when it seems that everyone else around them has. No one wants to appear to be the one who didn’t “get” it!

In the author’s own journey, she was one of those people! After struggling with a lifetime of anxiety and bouts of depression, she felt guilty and ashamed that she wasn’t able to find happiness inside.

First 15 minutes of the upcoming audio book for “Developing Happiness When You Can’t Find It”!
Narrated by Nicole Fagerhaug

I’d love to hear your feedback, so please give it a listen!

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“When I know better, I do better!” – Maya Angelou

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https://tamarakulish.com/ Archived Posts: https://tamarakulish.com/archived-posts/

My books: Developing Happiness When You Can’t Find It and How to Heal Your Life on a Deep Heart Level are available in paperback and Kindle. Audio book available!

Guided Journals help you work on a particular issue by answering questions to help see patterns and to find solutions:

Removing Inner Blocks,    Anger Journal,    Guided Anxiety Journal    Joy & Mindfulness Journal     My Boundaries Journal   My Inner Thoughts Journal   

Thanks for buying my books on Amazon!

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