Do you REALLY need to create New Year’s Resolutions?

In a nutshell, no, you don’t!

Most of us do it out of a sense of obligation, and feel guilted into making them, every year.

That is a direct result of our never-ending quest for continual improvement. We are told we need to keep improving in our efforts to become better and better, and that ends up creating a lot of anxiety in our lives.

What if we change things a bit?

EvelynKrieger says her daughter suggested she write a “done” list when she was getting frustrated with herself for not accomplishing the things on her to-do list.

What if, instead, you did a year-in-review? Kind of like what companies ask of their employees.

But here’s the catch: Your write-up may only include what you DID accomplish–no matter how small.

That’s right, NO bashing yourself for what you didn’t get done, improve, gain, orchestrate, or start. 

Review your accomplishments month by month. Chances are, by the time you finish, those “small” things won’t seem so small.


Her post resonated with me because few years ago, I switched from writing resolutions to writing my list of accomplishments out as though I was applying for a raise, and then used those to set new goals for myself, but you don’t need to do that extra step if you don’t want to!

Writing up a list of things we have done or accomplished through the year is a great way to get a boost. Even seemingly small things add up, so don’t be shy about adding to the list.

If you absolutely feel you must set a New Year’s goal, here’s a good one. Commit to bringing more joy into your life and spreading it to others. 


Isn’t this a great goal to set?

It feels so right to look to add more joy. This will mean different things for everyone, whether you’ve been putting off taking that pottery or dance class, or trying out some other thing of interest.

Let 2024 be the year you decide to add more joy to your life!

Now that I have done what I set out to do, am happy with myself and my life, I want to just enjoy what my life gives me so I’m not feeling the need to keep setting more and more goals, (except to add joy).

Always add more joy!

By peacefulmindpeacefullife

 ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

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38 thoughts on “Do you REALLY need to create New Year’s Resolutions?

  1. Happy new year. I’m right there with you Tamara on not setting so many goals but noting your accomplishments. My thinking started the other day at work when I overheard one of my coworkers talking about getting into shape. That goal for women especially has been on going. I applaud the people who stick with their diet and exercise plan, but for many it’s a waste of time. Enjoy who you are and what you look like. Yes if health concerns are at risk then try and eat better. But don’t waste your life constantly worrying about what you like. If you do make weight loss a goal then note the small accomplishments that you have. Have a blessed new year Tamara. I Love your outlook.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much Pennize! I have come to see that health is the most important thing to make changes for, and that’s what I’m striving for by trying to make little choices every day. Some days I do better and I’ve learned to give myself grace no matter how much or little I accomplish! It’s helped my mental health so much!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Thanks, Tamara! So true – we are enough and actually, our small achievements are often not really that small;-) It is just a matter of focus, and we need to be good to ourselves. Happy New Year to you!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much, you too! Yes, even those small accomplishments have taken a lot to get there! We need to recognize all of our efforts, for that’s what will help our mental health improve!


  3. I like Evelyn’s suggested New Year Resolution to “Commit to bringing more joy into your life and spreading it to others.”

    Because I feel sometimes resolutions can be more about intended behaviours, that can be small, simple and achieved with everyday actions, rather than needing big ambitious goals of what to change.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Absolutely yes! Sometimes those little things lead us quietly into the lives we really want! Happy New Year!

      Liked by 1 person

  4. I just read someone else’s blog where they reviewed the 2-3 items they wanted to accomplish in 2023 and whether or not they did. They also listed other accomplished they made throughout the year. I like that method better. Goals seem attainable. Resolutions seem breakable. 😛

    Liked by 1 person

    1. My thoughts exactly! When we mess up even a little on a resolution we tend to abandon it, while a goal keeps us chugging along!

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Margaret, to you too! Celebrating those achievements has helped me turn my mental health around from getting down on myself to feeling good about myself! Small things can have a big, cumulative effect!

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much Mark! Happy New Year to you too! Yes, this self love gets nurtured with small actions, and we create our lives from those moments!

      Liked by 1 person

  5. An excellent post, Tamara! I cannot remember when I stopped making yearly resolutions. Evelyn’s suggestion, “Commit to bringing more joy into your life and spreading it to others,” is a good one. These days, I give thanks for the blessings that each day brings.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes, feeling gratitude is such a joyful feeling! I give thanks every day for all the things in my life. May the upcoming year bring you much joy and many more blessings to be grateful for!

      Liked by 1 person

  6. I don’t make resolutions anymore. I make vision cards instead and pick 6 areas I want to explore/change/work on during the year. They include things like our house, my health, my craft business, our finances, etc. I make a collage of pictures/words about those areas and keep it in my planner. Then in June I look at them again and see if I have done anything in that area. If not, I know I have six more months. Any little thing matters so then I don’t feel like I made “resolutions” and then didn’t follow through. Your idea is a great one too!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. I love the way you’ve turned New Year’s resolutions on their head, Tamara. And Evelyn’s suggested goal of spreading joy — beginning with ourselves — so good! Thank you for such a helpful and uplifting post!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. I have never understood resolutions for the very reason you mention Tamara- that constant demand to be better or more. I’ve long wondered who it is that we are trying to prove ourselves to since I don’t think I’m really that horrible of a person who needs to change all that much and in such dramatic ways!

    Also at my age, there are no major lists or accomplishments to cross off or revel over. If I can manage being open, honest, kind and engaged then all is good 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Exactly! That way was so stressful! It also became just another way for us to beat ourselves up with! There are much better ways to live life.

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