Health benefits of massage and acupuncture when doing emotional healing work

Quote by S. McNutt

Today, massage is being offered more frequently along with standard treatment for a wide range of medical conditions and situations including issues with mental health. Mayo Clinic recognizes the value of massage therapy as an aspect of wellness and has been integrating massage therapy into the hospital setting for almost 20 years.

click to read article: Mayo Clinic explores: The role of massage therapy for mental health

Through my healing journey I learned about the body and mind connection and became aware that my strong emotions over the years had lodged themselves in my body. I had heard of this but hadn’t realized how much it really applied to me, I suppose because we tend to normalize and adjust to how we feel, even if it happens to go on a downward slide. As time goes by we tend to shrug it off and attribute it to aging, but in fact our bodies might age faster when burdened.

I was first introduced to acupuncture and was quite pleasantly surprised how my overall health and constitution were improved. My stepson (who is now a doctor of Chinese medicine and an acupuncture practitioner) had told me the practice is based on ancient knowledge of unblocking stagnant energies and moving them around, but I was skeptical until I experienced it for myself.

He was first trained in Shiatsu massage, so my second husband and I were able to get massage treatments, and I felt old blockages being released from my body. I had had Swedish massage done years earlier and found it to be very relaxing, but the healing aspect of the Shiatsu was new.

Later on, I experienced my first deep tissue Chinese massage that turned my back into mashed potatoes, and that helped to release old deeply held tentions in my body. Even now I continue to go for these, as sitting at a desk all day, plus having arthritis can build up muscle tension, even blockages.

When I hurt my back at work years ago, my sister-in-law suggested going to the chiropractor, and again, I was skeptical, but went for the series of treatments paid for through insurance. Again I was pleasantly surprised with the good results.

Having tried each type of therapy, I was happy to feel how my body was feeling better, but more surprisingly, the emotions I had buried deep down were unlocking so I could process them and release them from being bound to me physically.

Would I recommend any one over the others for the health benefits? I honestly couldn’t. I’ve experienced the combined benefits at times, and other times utilized them singularly; I recommend trying them out for yourself to see what works.

My suggestions:

  • Do not go for only one session, for they all seem to work better when we do a series. (Would you take only one antibiotic pill the doctor prescribed, and declare it doesn’t work, or would you take the whole course of pills, with the knowledge that it takes multiple pills over the span of days for healing to occur?)
  • Try out different things, even returning back to treatments after trying others, for we often need a few different modalities working in different areas or body systems.
  • Do these in conjunction with the emotional and mental healing you’re working through with a counselor or therapist, for each one is complimentary to the other.

Have you tried these? What modalities have you tried that work well with your healing?

 ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

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25 thoughts on “Health benefits of massage and acupuncture when doing emotional healing work

  1. Every time I get a massage (usually on vacation), the masseuse tells me I need 90 minutes and to go often, to which I ignore. This happened again recently, and I was ready to ignore it, but now I’m reading your blog, and I think it’s a sign that I need to take heed.

    Thanks for sharing about these benefits, Tamara!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Sometimes we resist the exact things we need. I use Chinese massage, they tur my back into mashed potatoes, but it helps. Choose the method that speaks to you!

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Massage is indeed wonderful! I didn’t know before how therapeutic and healing it could be! Glad you have discovered it too for yourself!

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Amazing how our bodies work isn’t it? I was astonished how helpful those healing modalities were to healing my fractured mind and heart!

      Happy Mother’s Day!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. My journey was in learning Remedial Massage and finding that using that and my gift in energetic and emotional healing worked wonders. The only drawback was many fell asleep on my table it was so ‘relieving’ and such a ‘let go’ for many issues that were held in the body. I had to keep knocking on the door so that they wake up 🤣

    And it should indeed be a series of work to rebuild something that has taken years to hold in such a malformed holding pattern, and needs a little work to start a new pattern, in heart and mind, as well as the body to begin something new.

    Many are so stunned by what they truly hold inside but have just become so used to it, so that when the work begins they ‘feel’ that let go and the changes it can bring. Great post Tamara, it is indeed a powerful and loving way to rebuild…heart, body and mind 🤗😀❤️🙏

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks for sharing your experiences with us! Amazing how our bodies hold onto old pains ans when we can release them we can truly start healing!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Thanks for sharing this information, Tamara. I’ve never tried acupuncture or Shiatsu massage. A quick Google search revealed a Thai Massage Center in my neighborhood with good Yelp reviews. I called to inquire cost of their “Combination Massage.” I can do this. Now, I’ve just got to schedule a session. Thanks for this gentle push ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Great post, Tamara. There is something truly powerful and releasing about the manual work and human touch. I haven’t done much due to cost, but the sparse sessions have been amazing.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Thank you, Tamara. I have not tried the Shiatsu massage, but your experience is encouraging. Nothing to lose and, I hope, something to gain.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes, we only can gain the positive by going for massage therapy. I hope you get to enjoy it again.

      Liked by 1 person

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