Saying goodbye, forever

This past week a friend buried her husband. They were together for six beautiful, love filled years. Theirs was a romantic first meeting, and what followed was so much love they shared with each other and on out into their friendship circle. Truly, they were blessed.

John was the type of man who knew no strangers, and everyone felt the warmth of his love he felt for all humanity. He was very creative, filled his home with art, music, and loving, creative people. He was Baha’i and Lisa was so moved by the love she found in him and his community that she took up his faith, because she was a loved-filled person too, and his group resonated with her. (They invited me to a couple of their faith gatherings, and while I adore the people and enjoy being around them, that hasn’t become my faith.)

Lisa is of course lost without John, but she is also filled with gratitude that they had 6 wonderful years together and she recognizes that what they shared was more than special, it was on the level of being magical.

Did they only experience good times, gentle days together, that made loving each other easy?

No, they had more than their share of troubles, John’s health was troubled. He had cancer, and at the end he lost his sight. Lisa was a self-described “velcro-wife”, at his side constantly, through all his hospital visits and home-bound recovery times.

They chose to always see the good stuff, to feel gratitude for everything, and they shared their wonderful outlook with all who came into their lives.

We will all miss John, and remember his larger-than-life laugh and loving spirit. he was someone to emulate, to follow, to appreciate.

Do you have people in your life to emulate? People so awesome that you strive to become more like them? What a blessing they are to all of us!

 ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

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26 thoughts on “Saying goodbye, forever

    1. Indeed, she is fully aware of the blessings they experienced and that grace and gratitude is carrying her through this difficult time. Thank you for your supportive words.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Pooja, indeed, John was one of those rare individuals who could make anyone smile and lift their spirits. I’m happy my fried Lisa got to experience the kind of love they had!

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Their love is truly inspiring, and how many lives they have touched. Thank you for your supportive words!

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you for your kind words! Yes, he made a huge impact in the lives of those who knew him, Lisa’s most of all!

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Rosaliene! Yes, Lisa’s faith community is around her and helping her, which I am grateful for. John was the type of husband many dream of having!

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Michele. He was the kind of rare person that it might take many, many years to meet another.

      Liked by 1 person

  1. A couple of times I have met someone, one even on here, that was so beautifully open and loving that you cannot but be attracted to. And in those meetings you stop and realize that it isn’t just ‘us’ down here but someone beyond this gift of humanity. Almost an Angel even, to touch us and remind us of that love that is ever here and we can attain within ourselves.

    One ‘man’ over at Amy’s blog (and I must apologize, for the life of me I cannot remember which post it was on. maybe it was only for her and me, and whoever else read it at the time), made a comment that was so spiritually profound that I read it over and over. It spoke so beautifully and left such an impression that I just wanted to speak more and more. He spoke once more and that was the last…but had indeed left us so lovingly touched by those words. There was no way to ‘follow’ him back to wherever he came from. But…may we all have that chance to touch something that moves us so beautifully kind lady, it leaves us with much hope that our destiny indeed has a very profound and loving purpose 😀❤️🙏

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you Mark. I too believe there are people who are Angels or touched by Angels. They give us the words we need to hear at the times we need.

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