Gratitude, Joy and Synchronicity

When our hearts are burdened we struggle to feel positive about anything. So starting with small things is then crucial to becoming able to get strong enough to turn the light switch on in our minds and hearts and to send the shadows fleeing.

Joy. It can be tiny moments, but add them together they can become a bucketful, a lake full and even feel as expansive as an ocean! Finding moments of joy and holding onto them is very important!

How do you know if you’re in the right place?

Making a big move or even any transition in life can feel daunting!

You’ve known that this change was coming. You’ve researched it. You’ve asked people for advice. You may even have tested it out a little!

Yet, once you jump in with both feet and land in that new place, whatever it may be for you, once there you may feel some little nagging feelings of uncertainty!

Bringing Peace Of Mind into our lives…

Peace of mind… so essential for good emotional, spiritual and physical health! We cultivate it by choosing positive thoughts!

Don’t try to “chase away” negative thoughts, rather choose positive messages and keep repeating those! Trust is those thoughts, feel good about them, and keep selecting them when things don’t appear to go well in life!

I used to be a worrier, trying to anticipate everything before it happened and trying to prepare myself for everything! I didn’t have peace of mind! My mind was trying too hard to control every outcome by thinking of every possible outcome.