A Neat Trick for Setting Goals

There’s a nuance of difference between making Resolutions and Setting Goals for your life!
(Useful for any time of the year!)

The very phrase “Making Resolutions” or “New Year’s Resolutions” seem to be loaded with GUILT for most of us who try (and then fail) to do what we set out to do. I believe it’s time to drop this expression from our vocabulary! …Oh and by all means don’t tell people what “resolutions” you’re planning for yourself, because apparently it works against us psychologically!

…and I wish for Peace… and Healing

This article was originally written and posted on another site following the events in Ferguson, Missouri.

***Please note, this article isn’t written to diminish the struggles of any group, to promote any group over another or even to pretend to have all the answers!

Unfortunately, we, collectively, haven’t seemed to make much progress towards seeing each other as individuals, rather than as a whole racial group.

Healing Art… Does it Exist?

Years ago I was a true skeptic when I heard about healing art, even though I was an artist myself!

As a Private art teacher I had seen the power of art as it transformed many people’s lives when people opened themselves to learning something new which brought them joy, yet I hadn’t directly experienced art as a tool for healing!

In hindsight it was obvious to me that I was denying the power art had in my own soul…

When the elephants poop in the ring… and other unexpected things!

We all want things to go as planned. It seems a like a huge disaster when something happens to throw us off track… if people are watching, we can feel humiliated, it’s as though we failed to deliver on the experience we had built up for ourselves (or perhaps for others) to expect.

In all our planning, and expecting certain results, we can become really thrown off by the unexpected, yet when we allow ourselves to spontaneously follow the flow, we may find ourselves surprised or even delighted!