Habit Power: We are what we repeat


“Habit Power: We are what we repeat, so repeatedly choose thoughts that create the life you love.”

I became a convert to positive affirmations and positive thoughts when I tried them out for myself and discovered their power to help me to rewire my brain.

When I chose to work on changing my thoughts from speaking harshly and very negatively to myself, I started to work on how I spoke to myself.

Previously I had thought that my negative thoughts were realistic, truthful, even deserved.

Once I started to experience my mind shifting from the negative to the positive, I realized how much I had absorbed the abuse from my earlier years and had come to deeply believe all the negative things I was telling myself.

No photo credit, Graphics by Tamara Kulish Available on Fine Art America

How we speak to ourselves affects every facet of our lives.

From the jobs we accept, or the higher education we may not have completed, or the people we choose to have in our lives, or even how we choose to eat, drink, party, or exercise, our thoughts have affected and will continue to affect us for the rest of our lives.

The life you crave to live is dependent on learning to speak positively to yourself, or you will self-sabotage… so choose thoughts that create the life you choose!

 ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

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13 thoughts on “Habit Power: We are what we repeat

    1. Right?! Just persistently trying each day is a big deal! That’s what I try to do, some days I do it much better than others but on the whole I’ve seen an upward trend!

      Don’t focus on the lack, congratulate yourself for all the times you get it right! You’ll probably be able to see you’ve been trending upwardly over the years!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I love and appreciate your nudge and encouragement to find the ‘trending upward’. It gave me a smile as I sensed a tinge of judgment in me for sometimes finding comfort in the low and small. Your work is such a shining light always pointing in the right direction.,

        Liked by 1 person

        1. 😊😊 I did sense that little tone of judgment too, but now let that go! I truly believe in pointing ourselves towards the positive!

          Liked by 1 person

          1. :)))) I am on a new threshold today on the first day of this month – it is so raw at every threshold right? I am oriented towards positive I believe and that’s why you showed up with that friendly hand that I needed :)) I am breathing deeply in this moment and sensing the shift already.

            Liked by 1 person

            1. You are doing wonderfully! You’ve got this! Please make a list of your achievements from the past few months, no achievement is too small to add to the list. Keep looking at this list during those raw moments and speak kind words to yourself, reminding yourself that you’ve got this! 🥰🌸🌸 Blessings!

              Liked by 1 person

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